2. - 3. September 2023 - The Art of Happiness VI - Ringu Tulku Rinpoche
02.09.2023R i n g u T u l k u R i n p o c h e
T h e A R T o f H A P P I N E S S VI
September 2–3, 2023
Palpung Buddhist Center Slovenia
Dear Dharma friends!
We are delighted to inform you that Ringu Tulku Rinpoche has kindly accepted our invitation and he will be visiting Slovenia again in September this year.
Rinpoche will continue the teaching on Gampopa's Jewel Ornament of Liberation, and he will bestow the Manjushri empowerment.
Rinpoche will teach The Aspects of the Five Paths, The Ten Bodhisattva Bhumis, Perfect Buddhahood, and Activities of the Buddha.
At the conclusion of the meditative retreat, Rinpoche will bestow Manjushri empowerment.
We will announce the exact schedule later.
Teachings will be given in English with simultaneous translation in Slovenian language.
Suitable for all levels. Everyone can attend the teachings, regardless of whether you are a beginner or an experienced practitioner.
We would like to kindly remind all those who plan to participate in the entire meditative retreat or individual days to register with the online form.
Once you pre-register, we will keep you updated regarding the program details, suggested donations. We are doing all we can to make this program accessible for all who want to attend.
We recommend attending the entire meditative retreat, but it is also possible to attend individual sessions.
In the Center we offer accommodation in a dormitory. The number is limited, so we recommend you make a reservation as soon as possible.
There are quite a few private accommodations available in the vicinity of the Center, but it is also possible to set up a tent in the Center.
Vegetarian/vegan lunch catering will be organized for the participants of the meditation retreat. We will let you know the menu and lunch prices later.
Dharma Center Palpung Slovenia, Mrzli Log 7, Črni Vrh nad Idrijo, Slovenia
MANJUSHRI (Skt. Mañjuśrī) is the bodhisattva who is the embodiment of all the wisdom of all the buddhas of the ten directions and three times. Mañjuśrī is depicted as a male bodhisattva wielding a flaming sword in his right hand, representing the realization of transcendent wisdom which cuts down ignorance and duality. The scripture supported by the lotus held in his left hand is a Prajñāpāramitā sūtra, representing his attainment of ultimate realization from the blossoming of wisdom. Manjushri is valued as a source of inspiration for scholars and practitioners and as a symbol of the ultimate goal of enlightenment through the cultivation of wisdom.
GAMPOPA (1079-1153) is one of the greatest masters of Tibetan Buddhism, one of the founders of the Kagyu lineage. He was the main disciple of the great yogi Milarepa and is known for having merged the teachings of the Kadampa and Kagyu lineages of Tibetan Buddhism.
THE JEWEL ORNAMENT OF LIBERATION is a masterwork of Tibetan Buddhism—providing the complete foundation for study and practice—from beginning to Buddhahood. It includes teachings on Buddha-nature, finding a spiritual master, impermanence, karma, cultivation of bodhicitta, development of the six paramitas, the ten bodhisattva bhumis, Buddhahood, and the activities of a buddha. It combines the instructions of two great rivers—the Kadampa and Mahamudra lineages.
Since 1990 he has been travelling and teaching Buddhism and Meditation at Universities, Institutes and Buddhist Centers in Europe, USA, Canada, Australia and Asia. He also participates in various interfaith and Science and Buddhist dialogues. He authored several books (see publications section) on Buddhism as well as some children’s books both in Tibetan and European languages.
For more information feel free to contact us on info@palpung.si.
You Are Cordially Invited!
Palpung Slovenia